Monday, January 24, 2011

My first post for 2011 ...

Well, there is good news and bad news to report on.  The good news is that progress is being made on Batman 1969.  Not only is the shooting all done, but it is all coming together nicely.

Now the bad news.

My SONY camcorder, which has been in use since 2007, apparently has internal problems.  It freezes up from time to time, and I then have to take out the batteries and then reinsert them to "reboot" the camera.  This has been happening since September, and I got word today from SONY it would cost at least $341 to have them look at it.  For a camera that has been around 3½ years, sounds like it is time to upgrade to another camcorder. God knows I need this for future video work, whether it is for fan films or for public relations/media work that I hope to do.

I am also sure a new PC is in order as well, especially for the processor speed for video rendering.  We'll see what happens here!  Stay tuned for further developments!