Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year. 2010!

Happy New Year!

And it looks like we're off to a great start!!!  The financial picture looks better than it has in quite a while, and it seems as if we'll be off to do great things.  First, we are making moves to finish off Batman 1969, and I want it done by May, in time for the Motor City Comic Con.

Then there is the matter of launching Carrie's World.  We need to get a consistent actress for the role, as well as for the role of Catwoman.  See, the Feline Fatale is going to have a major role in this series.

Beyond that, there are a number of goals to accomplish.  Among them:
  • Relocation out of the Southern Tier of New York for good.  This is not a good place to film a Batman-themed production.
  • A better job, of course.
  • Pay off some odious debts.
  • A more powerful computer, for film rendering.
We also hope to attend the Motor City con in May 2010, as well as the New York Comic Con in October.  We may also do the same with Wizard World Philadelphia in June, but we'd have to see.  But it is clear we have our work cut out for us!  Again, stay tuned for more updates!

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